Quick Details
Easy Cancellations!
Ages 12+
$ 65
Ages 4-11
$ 34
Ages 3 & Under • Must Book 1 Adult First
Tour the Historic Boone Hall Plantation
This beautiful gem is nestled in the Town of Mount Pleasant, just across the harbor from Charleston. Enter through the Avenue of Oaks and take a guided tour of the historic mansion.
Enjoy a self-guided tour through the original slave cabins and learn about the African American experience with a presentation by a knowledgeable guide.
Gray Line will offer transportation from the Charleston Visitor Center once daily with return transportation. Please allow four hours.
- Avenue of Oaks
- Boone Hall Plantation House
- Boone Hall Slave Cabin
Please Note
- Please confirm date before submitting reservation.
- Please note that booking times are exact and not an arrival window.
- Departs from the Visitors Center at 375 Meeting Street.
- Tour begins at 11:15 a.m.
- Must cancel scheduled tour 24 hours prior to tour departure time in order to receive a full refund.
- We are committed to responsible tourism and traveler safety.
- Changes may be made on a space available basis
- No concealed weapons allowed on any bus or van